Java Stencil Report
The idea from which I started to develop Java Stencil Report is to create a clone of a MS-DOS Italian program called GB and to add some enhancements like a fully customizable print model and a fully compatibility with many OS.This program has been released under GPL License to give a free and open-source application to school.
This product includes FOP library (to export in PDF and Post Script file format) that is developed at The Apache Software Foundation (
Java language has been chosen to have an easy multi platform application to install which has only a dependence.
News: Version 0.3.7
- Added traditional Chinese localization (thanks to: Distance Learning Center at the Chinese Culture University through the Open Source Software for School project)
- Localizated some missing string
- Added antialias setting to force and fix antialias in some system
- Added settings window to manage preferences
Other version...
- It allow to store little name order database that can represent a school form
- Easy interface to add new element (student)
- All files are saved in XML format (portable)
- It contains a little vector graphic applicaton to create print model
- Different print models can be created to support any kind of schoolreports
- Print models allow to print but also export in PDF or Post Script file format.
- It is possible to export forms and evaluations in CSV, a file format compatible with spreadsheet program (Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, Gnumeric, KSpead...).
- An interface allows to create any kind of periodization: quarters, semester, bimester ...
- You can create an "Evaluation Wizard" to quickly write evalutaion.
- An Evaluation Wizard contains different blocks (stencils) of sentences wich rappresent varius part of an evaluation (For example, in a student evaluation some blocks can be: Capacity of base, Capacity of learning, Capacity of working in group, ...)
- Every stencils contains different sentences which represent the gradation of an evaluation (Example: He has a very good capacity of learning, He has a good capacity of learning, He has a medium capacity of learning)
- Every grade of stencils contains two different sentences: one for maleperson and one for female one. (Example: He has a ..., She has a ... )
- Before printing you can select a print model and the student/s that you want to print
A special thank to Edie Pavarini that is the person who has inspired this project and who has explained me the limit and features of GB. This program has been developed to give her a working and enhancement alternative to GB.Thanks also to:
- Frida Alessandri who has checked and corrected my bad English.
- Roberta Venturi and her school (Istituto Comprensivo Castelvetro), for her contribution in documentation (Italian manuals), her suggestion (CSV export) and help in enhancement and bug fixing.
- The Distance Learning Center at the Chinese Culture University that developed the Chinese (Traditional) version through the Open Source Software for School project.
Icon and Splash screen:
This program uses some Gnome and Aero-stlxv (LGPL licensed) icons.Print model icon and splash screen are created by me using these open source program: